Vystrelenie vyššieho počtu šípov
Na základe Judges´ Guide Book 2018 k problematike vystrelenia vyššieho počtu šípov ako je povolené, komisia rozhodcov vydáva nasledovné usmernenie.
Prítomnosť rozhodcu pri skórovaní v prípade vyššieho počtu vystrelených šípov pred a po časovom signále je povinná.
Prítomnosť rozhodcu pri skórovaní v prípade vyššieho počtu vystrelených šípov počas časového limitu je odporučená.
V oboch prípadoch postupujeme podľa platných pravidiel (WA Book 3, 14.2.2.; Judges´ Guide Book 2018 4.19).
4.19 Number of Arrows Shot – In /Out of time On occasion athletes may for one reason or another shoot more arrows than permitted or even shoot arrows before or after the timing signals to commence and to stop respectively. In the latter situation the Judge is required to take action to adjust the score on the score card. If an arrow is shot out of time it is imperative that you give a red card and that the original scores are duly noted on the score card as these actions are subject to appeal.
4.19.1 Too Many Arrows Shot. If an athlete shoots more arrows than is permitted in the allotted time, then, depending of the round being shot, the lowest six arrows or lowest three arrows will be scored. The same solution is for teams and mixed team when shooting simultaneously.
4.19.2 Multiple Violations. If an athlete shoots an arrow out of time, and also shoots too many arrows, then multiple violations have occurred. In this situation, the lowest six/three arrows will be scored according to their values in the target, and then the highest score (of the six/three) will be crossed over and corrected to a Miss.
Bratislava 26.11.2019